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Principles Of Chemistry XI

Author: Prof. Dr. Mohan B Gewali, Ramesh Silwal, Rishi Tiwari, Dr. Sitaram Acharya & Chiranjibi Ghimire
  • ISBN: 9789937303576
  • Version: English
  • Price NRs. 745
  • Published Year 2021
  • Pages: 580
  • Avaliablility: In stock

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It gives us utmost pleasure to present this book "Principles of Chemistry" to the students of grade XI and I.Sc. first year. This book has been designated according to the syllabus of Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB). The book has been made student-friendly in the sense that it is written in the lucid language. Furthermore, all relevant topics are extensively covered and explained. It endeavours to provide a complete reading material as a reference book and a text book both. We have undertaken the project of writing this book as a team because it helps to gather the knowledge & experiences from multiple sides and enables to minimize the possible errors. This book is basically prepared as per the teaching experiences of the authors. The shortcomings of various text books have been tried out to be eliminated. Valuable suggestions from numerous personalities related to the field of chemistry have been included in the book as far as possible.
Dealing with the subject matter in a comprehensive manner than in a superficial way is the chief feature of this book. Besides, the Learning Objectives of each chapter are listed with emphasis to highlight the purpose of studying the particular chapter. Each chapter consists of a number of Questions for Practice. A number of typical numerical problems have been worked out.
It is hoped that the book will be well received by the teaching and learning community of Nepal. Though we have tried our best to minimize errors but they may have invaded us. We request the users to point out them. Valuable suggestions and criticism will highly be entertained for further improvement of the book.