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Principles of Business law

Author: Satya Narayan Kalika
  • ISBN: 9789937300476
  • Version: English
  • Price NRs. 565
  • Avaliablility: In stock
  • For: BBS Third Year
  • University: Tribhuwan University

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Business law is indispensable for the establishment, operation, and regulation of business organizations, which occupy a due place in the management programs of the universities in Nepal. However, this has been a challenging subject especially to the bachelor level of students of management because they do not have any rudimentary knowledge about law. Keeping in mind this fact, the new edition has been thoroughly revised and rearranged with its subjects, explanation of legal principles in depth, major laws added with major provisions.
This book 'Principles of Business Law' is intended to serve as a basic text on Business Law for the Bachelor's level programs conducted by the Nepalese Universities. This book is prepared in order to meet the new course of study for BBS. It is equally useful to the course of law relating to business under the TU, KU, PoU, PuU and ICAN.
This book is dividend into five parts. The first introductory part consists of law, business law and legal environment of business. The second part deals with the general principles of law of contract such as formation, performance, termination of contract and remedies for breach of contract. The third part deals with the special contracts such as, the contract relating to indemnity and guarantee, agency, bailment and pledge, sale of goods, and carriage. The fourth part discusses the specific Acts concerning company, insolvency, arbitration and negotiable instruments.
At last but not least, subject index is arranged in the end of this book to excess easily to the expected subjects.